The Community page is temporarily being re purposed as a Recall & COVID-19 information page.

We hope to return to the community page soon and are still accepting submissions.

What are you up to?

We know that many of you are more than a flight attendant and CUPE member - you are a partner in your community, a leader in your school, a helper to those in need and a fighter for justice. You have talents beyond coffee, tea or me and we want to hear about them!

So tell us all about what you are up to!

This page is dedicated to showcasing all the different ways Air Canada CUPE Flight attendants contribute to their communities, our country and the world. Having a bake sale? Raising money for a charity? Looking for sponsors for your run? Giving back to your neighbours? Performing with your band?

Send an email to with all of your details and be show cased here!

Things you may want to include in the email :

1. Your full first and last name
2. Name and type of event
3. Date / Time / Location of the Event, including last day to sign up or RSVP
4. Contact info for your event (phone # or email)
5. Jpeg picture or PDF poster of event
6. Website link

Also don't forget to send us an update after the event with more pictures, how much money your raised or how many hours of community service you logged!

So far Air Canada CUPE Flight attendants have...

...performed in one stage show.

...raised bees.

....created 3 full length musical albums.

Recall to Rouge

COVID Leaves & Benefits

Bill C-4 received Royal Assent on Friday, October 2, 2020, following passage in the Senate. We are pleased that this bill has been passed offering our members COVID-19 Leave options.

We were in regular communication with Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge as we heard from so many members who needed to know when the policy that aligns with these programs would be published. Air Canada has provided their official COVID-19 Leave policy and an FAQ document. These documents can be found on Aeronet in the HR Connex portal under the COVID-19 Mitigations Tab at the top of the page. The Air Canada Rouge policy will apparently mirror the Mainline policy and should be available soon. Your Union has followed up and will continue to do so until the policy is posted for all members.

If you intend to apply for the benefit provided by the Federal Government, it is important that you review the criteria of these benefits fully. We continue to work with CUPE National and are engaged in efforts to have a liaison with Employment and Social Development Canada who specialises in the unique nature of our workforce and to help navigate applications for these benefits. We will provide updates on this as soon as they are available to us.

If you have not already applied for the COVID-19 Leave, and you meet the eligibility requirements, you can do so by submitting a request through the eLeaves tool at Air Canada Mainline or by emailing Chelsea at if you are working at Air Canada Rouge. If you have any questions about this leave or the implications relating to pension, benefits, etc. we recommend that you read through the Q and A document as it is quite comprehensive.
© CUPE Local 4092