The Cabin Crew - Peer Assitance Program (CC-PAP) (Formerly EAP)

We all encounter challenging moments in life. Often, we can handle them independently, yet there are times when these challenges start affecting our happiness both at home and in our professional lives.

Recognizing early warning signs, like changes in sleep patterns, difficulty concentrating, withdrawal from loved ones, or increased absenteeism from work, can be crucial.

That's where the Cabin Crew Peer Assistance Program (CC-PAP) (formerly known as EAP) steps in. This confidential and free service is available to Members and their dependents. Designed to provide support to those navigating tough times and seeking guidance to find the right resources for their challenges.

Our goal is prevention. We urge you to reach out for assistance before any issues start affecting your job performance. Seeking help is entirely your choice, and we assure you a safe and confidential space. Our team, comprising your peers from the Cabin Crew Peer Assistance Program, are here for you. Trained volunteers who understand the unique pressures of our work, we are ready to support you through your difficulties and connect you with the right resources.

Whether it's work-related stress, anger management, depression, anxiety, or other personal challenges like grief, separation, aging parents, or addiction, we're here to assist. Just a phone call away, let us help you find the support you need.

The Cabin Crew Peer Assistance Program (CC-PAP) is recognized by both CUPE and Air Canada and is an extension of our EFAP service provided by TELUS.

Toronto Contacts

Employee Peer Office (Terminal 1)
905-676-2088 -Emergency contact numbers are updated on the recorded message

Eastern Regional Coordinator
Sonya Barbezat

National Coordinator
Vanessa Beaudoin-Gregoire
© CUPE Local 4092